Privacy policy


Scope of application

This privacy policy is intended to inform users of this website about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the website operator DK Household Brands AG in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

The website operator takes your data protection very seriously and treats your personal data confidentially and applies the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as the basis.

Please bear in mind that data transmission on the Internet can always be subject to security vulnerabilities. Complete protection against access by third parties cannot be realised.

1. Who are we? (person responsible)

    DK Household Brands AG
    Eggbühlstrasse 28
    8050 Zürich - Switzerland

    T: +41 43 266 15 00 | F: +41 43 266 15 01 | Visit us at

    2. Contact details of our data protection officer

      If you have any questions about this privacy policy or generally about the processing of your data in the context of this website or order processing, please contact our data protection officer:

      DK Household Brands AG
      Marc Picard
      Eggbühlstrasse 28
      8050 Zurich - Switzerland

      T: +41 43 266 15 00 | F: +41 43 266 15 01 | E:

      3. What personal data of yours do we process?

        General information

        Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth or email address).

        When we process personal data, this means that we collect, store, use, transmit to others or delete it, for example.

        What do we use your data for and on what legal basis?

        We process your personal data for the following purposes and based on Article 6 (1) b GDPR. In the event that the data processing is based on a balancing of interests (Article 6 (1) f GDPR), we will also explain our legitimate interest that we are pursuing with the processing:



        1. offer preparation / order fulfilment

        Data processing is required for order fulfilment and does not require consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) b GDPR.

        Customer data:

        -Company name

        -Name of the person in charge



        -Telephone availability

        2. analysis of the offer to determine user behaviour, including market research and reach measurement.

        Weighing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in analysing user behaviour in our online offering in order to continuously improve it and adapt it to the interests of our users.

        3. own and third-party advertising to the extent permitted by law or based on consent.

        Consent or balancing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in direct marketing as long as this is done in accordance with data protection and competition law requirements.

        4. integration of social plugins and social share functions

        Weighing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in sharing information with the relevant social network at the request of our users who have activated a social plugin.

        5. investigating faults and ensuring system security, including detecting, and tracking unauthorised access and access attempts to our web servers

        Fulfilment of our legal obligations in the area of data security and balancing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in eliminating malfunctions, ensuring system security and detecting and tracking unauthorised access attempts or accesses

        6. use of Google Web Fonts

        Weighing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in offering our users a standardised typeface. We therefore use Google Web Fonts. Further information from Google can be found at and in Google's privacy policy

        7. use of map services

        Balancing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in providing our users with map material. ( Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service) Further information on data protection


        4. Who receives your personal data and why?

        Disclosure of data to third parties

        Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract, if we have your consent to do so or if you have given your consent. If data is transferred to third parties, this is explained in these data protection provisions. In the case of transmission on the basis of consent, the explanation can also be provided when consent is obtained.

        In addition, data may be transferred to third parties if we are obliged to do so by law or by an enforceable official or court order.

        Service providers

        We reserve the right to use service providers when collecting or processing data. Service providers only receive the personal data from us that they require for their specific activity. Service providers may also be commissioned to provide server capacity. As a rule, service providers are involved as so-called processors who may only process the personal data of users of this website and the preparation of offers and fulfilment of orders in accordance with our instructions.

        Insofar as service providers are not already named in these data protection provisions (e.g. in the area of web analysis), the following categories of service providers are involved:

        - Web hosting
        - IT service providers

        5. When do we transfer data to countries that are not part of the European Economic Area?

        In this case, we ensure before the transfer that the recipient has either an adequate level of data protection (e.g. through self-certification of the recipient in conjunction with the corresponding adequacy decision of the Commission pursuant to Art. 45 GDPR or the agreement of so-called EU standard contractual clauses of the European Commission with the recipient pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR) or that our users have given their express consent.

        6. How long do we store your data?

        We store your data for as long as this is necessary for the provision of our services and the associated order fulfilment or as long as we have a legitimate interest in further storage. In all other cases, we delete your personal data with the exception of data that we must continue to store in order to fulfil contractual or statutory (e.g. tax or commercial law) retention periods (e.g. invoices).

        We block data that is subject to a retention period until the period expires.

        7.log files

        Every time you use the Internet, certain information is automatically transmitted by your Internet browser and stored by us in so-called log files.

        The log files are stored by us for 7 to 10 days exclusively to investigate faults and for security reasons (e.g. to investigate attempted attacks) and then deleted.

        In particular, the following information is stored in the log files

        • Visited website
        • Time at the time of access
        • Amount of data sent in bytes
        • Source/reference from which you reached the page
        • Browser used
        • Operating system used

        IP address used

        8. Cookies

        What are cookies?

        Cookies are small text files that are sent when a website is visited and stored in the user's browser. If the corresponding website is called up again, the user's browser sends back the content of the cookies and thus enables the user to be recognised. Certain cookies are automatically deleted at the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies), others are stored in the user's browser for a specified period of time or permanently and then delete themselves automatically (so-called temporary or permanent cookies).

        What data is stored in cookies?

        In principle, no personal data is stored in cookies, only an online identifier.

        How can you prevent the use of cookies or delete cookies?

        You can deactivate the storage of cookies via your browser settings and delete cookies already stored in your browser at any time (see technical information). Please note, however, that this online service may not work or only work to a limited extent without cookies.

        Please also note that objections to the creation of user profiles sometimes work via a so-called "opt-out cookie". If you delete all cookies, an objection may therefore no longer be taken into account and you will have to raise it again.

        9. Web analysis

        Web analysis

        We need statistical information about the use of our online offering in order to make it more user-friendly, to measure reach and to conduct market research. We use the following web analysis tools for this purpose.

        The tools either do not use users' IP addresses at all or truncate them immediately after collection.

        For each tool, you will find information about the respective provider and how you can object to the collection and processing of data by the tool.

        Google Analytics

        This website uses the "Google Analytics" service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to analyse website usage by users. The service uses "cookies" - text files that are stored on your end device. The information collected by the cookies is usually sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

        IP anonymisation is used on this website. The IP address of users is truncated within the member states of the EU and the European Economic Area. This truncation eliminates the personal reference of your IP address. As part of the contract data agreement that the website operators have concluded with Google Inc., Google Inc. uses the information collected to analyse website usage and website activity and provides services related to Internet usage.

        You have the option of preventing the storage of cookies on your device by making the appropriate settings in your browser. There is no guarantee that you will be able to access all functions of this website without restrictions if your browser does not allow cookies.

        You can also use a browser plugin to prevent the information collected by cookies (including your IP address) from being sent to Google Inc. and used by Google Inc. The following link will take you to the corresponding plugin:

        Alternatively, you can prevent Google Analytics from collecting data about you within this website by clicking on this link. By clicking on the above link, you download an "opt-out cookie". Your browser must therefore allow cookies to be stored. If you delete your cookies regularly, you will need to click on the link again each time you visit this website.

        You can find more information on the use of data by Google Inc. here:

        10. Your rights (rights of the data subject)

          How can you assert your rights?

          To assert your rights, please use the information in the Data Protection Officer section:

          Please ensure that we are able to clearly identify you.

          Please note that your data will initially only be blocked if there are retention periods preventing deletion.

          Your rights to information and rectification

          You can request that we confirm whether we are processing personal data relating to you and you have a right to information with regard to your data processed by us. If your data is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that your data be corrected or completed. If we have passed on your data to third parties, we will inform them of the correction if this is required by law.

          Your right to erasure

          If the legal requirements are met, you can demand that we delete your personal data immediately. This is particularly the case if,

          • your personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected
          • the legal basis for the processing was exclusively your consent and you have withdrawn it;
          • you have objected to processing on the legal basis of balancing of interests for personal reasons and we cannot prove that there are overriding legitimate grounds for processing;
          • your personal data has been processed unlawfully; or
          • your personal data must be erased in order to comply with legal requirements.

          If we have passed on your data to third parties, we will inform them of the deletion if this is required by law.

          Please note that your right to erasure is subject to restrictions. For example, we are not obliged or permitted to erase data that we are still required to retain due to statutory retention periods. Data that we require for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims is also excluded from your right to erasure.

          Your right to restriction of processing

          If the legal requirements are met, you can request that we restrict processing. This is particularly the case if

          • the accuracy of your personal data is contested by you, and then until we have had the opportunity to verify the accuracy;
          • the processing is not lawful and you request restriction of use instead of erasure (see the previous section);
          • we no longer need your data for the purposes of processing, but you need it for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims
          • you have lodged an objection on personal grounds, and then until it is established whether your interests prevail.
          • If there is a right to restriction of processing, we will mark the data concerned to ensure that it is only processed within the narrow limits that apply to such restricted data (namely in particular for the defence of legal claims or with your consent).

          Your right to data portability

          You have the right to receive personal data that you have provided to us for the fulfilment of a contract or on the basis of consent in a transferable format. In this case, you can also request that we transfer this data directly to a third party, insofar as this is technically feasible.

          Your right to withdraw consent

          If you have given us your consent to process your data, you can withdraw this at any time with effect for the future. The lawfulness of the processing of your data up to the time of revocation remains unaffected by this.

          Your right to object for personal reasons

          You have the right to object to data processing by us on grounds relating to your particular situation, insofar as this is based on the legal basis of legitimate interest. We will then cease processing your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that override your rights in accordance with the legal requirements.

          Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority

          You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority. In particular, you can contact the data protection authority that is responsible for your place of residence or your federal state or that is responsible for the place where the breach of data protection law took place. Alternatively, you can also contact the data protection authority responsible for us:

          The State Commissioner for Data Protection


          Mr Hans Peter, Waltisberger

          State Office for Data Protection Supervision Bavaria:

          11. Use of social media plugin

            This website uses Facebook social plugins, which are operated by Facebook Inc (1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA). The integrations can be recognised by the Facebook logo or the terms "Like", "Like", "Share" in the Facebook colours (blue and white). Information on all Facebook plugins can be found in the following link:

            The plugin establishes a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook servers. The website operator has no influence whatsoever on the nature and scope of the data that the plugin transmits to the Facebook Inc. servers. You can find information on this here:

            The plugin informs Facebook Inc. that you as a user have visited this website. There is a possibility that your IP address will be saved. If you are logged into your Facebook account during your visit to this website, this information will be linked to it.

            If you use the functions of the plugin - for example by sharing or "liking" a post - the corresponding information is also transmitted to Facebook Inc.

            If you would like to prevent Facebook. Inc. from linking this data to your Facebook account, please log out of Facebook before visiting this website.

            This website also uses Twitter buttons. These are operated by Twitter Inc (795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA). If you visit a page that contains such a button, a direct connection is established between your browser and the Twitter servers. The website operator therefore has no influence over the nature and scope of the data that the plugin transmits to the Twitter Inc. servers.

            According to Twitter Inc., only your IP address is collected and stored.

            Information on the handling of personal data by Twitter Inc. can be found here:

            • Links to the privacy settings of some social services

            12. Technical information

              Internet Explorer:

              • Cookies:
              • Push from Edge: The setting options can be found in the browser under Settings - Show advanced settings - Website permissions

              Mozilla Firefox:

              • Cookies:
              • Push:

              Google Chrome:

              • Cookies:
              • Push:


              • Cookies
